전문진료분야위암, 상부위장관 고도비만수술
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- ㅁ Clinical Outcome of Modified Laparoscopy-Assisted Proximal Gastrectomy Compared to Conventional Proximal Gastrectomy or Total Gastrectomy for Upper-Third Early Gastric Cancer with Special References to Postoperative Reflux Esophagiti 2015
- ㅁ The Effect of Combined Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition for Anastomotic Leakage after Gastric Cancer Surgery 2014
- ㅁ The Value of Postoperative Serum Carcinoembryonic Antigen and Carbohydrate Antigen 19-9 Levels for the Early Detection of Gastric Cancer Recurrence after Curative Resection 2014
- ㅁ Effects of screening on gastric cancer management: comparative analysis of the results in 2006 and in 2011. 2014
- ㅁ Risk Factors Associated with Complication Following Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer: Retrospective Analysis of Prospectively Collected Data Based on the Clavien?Dindo System 2014
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